18. Multi-panel fanlight, 38 x 64 1/4", $1295.00 (5 available)
21. Two circular "wagon wheel" style sashes, 32" diameter, $950.00 ea.
71. Dbl. hung window sash set 27 1/2" x 55" overall, $235.00
76. Apex & circles design leaded glass sash, 19 3/16" x 44", $925.00
84. Offset multi-lite window panel, 15" x 73 1/2", $595.00
137. Multi-paned sash with violet top panes, 23 1/2" x 31 3/4", $295.00
138. Curved top multi-lite sash, 17 1/4" x 36 1/2", $995.00
148. Lovely stained glass sash in nice pastels, 18 1/2" x 43 3/8", $395.00
152. Striking stained glass gothic style half round, 25 1/2" x 50", $895.00
155. Parabolic design window sash, 32 1/2" x 33 1//2", $695.00
162. Victorian stained and pressed glass sash, 23 1/2" x 36", $795.00
171. Pr. of matching, bevel glass transom/sidelite sashes, 19 3/4" x 51 7/8" ea., $235.00 ea.
178. Mission Era, geometrical designed window, 27 1/2" x 48 7/8", $995.00
186. Stained glass sash, with elongated diamond patterns, 33" x 37 1/4", $395.00
190. Large Victorian fanlite unit, with copper flashing incl. 24 1/2" x 119", s.s. 18" x 109 1/2", $2595.00
194. 3-lite bowed window sashes, [2] 25 3/4" x 39 1/2", $195.00 ea. & [4] 29 1/8" x 39 1/2", $210.00 ea.
205. Victorian leaded glass sash with center shield design, 28" x 52 3/8", $1195.00
207. " Funky " sausage style sash, 23" x 36 3/4", $495.00
210. Circle top sash, 48" x 50 5/8", $1095.00
225. Bowed/curved window sash, 18 1/2" x 43", $395.00
226. Stained glass elliptical fanlite, [ elegant ], 18 1/2" x 40 5 1/16", $1295.00
228. Queen Anne elongated diamond pattern sash, 22 1/2" x 51 5/8", $335.00
231. Neat leaded glass sash, 17 5/8" x 43 1/2", $695.00
239. Center circle transom sash, 21 1/4" x 45 7/8", $695.00
248. Circle top sashes & lower sections, circles ( 4 ) in stk. 15" x 45 3/16", $250.00 ea. lowers ( 2 ) in stk. 15" x 45 3/4", $60.00 ea.
254. Leaded glass transoms/sidelites, oak framed, 18 5/8" x 65 11/16" ea., $2195.00 pr.
256. Large circle top window sash, 25 11/16" x 85 1/4", $265.00
257. 5 piece ornate transom set; with rondels & pyramids, [ items can be sold separately ], complete $2295.00
263. Very clean elliptical half round sash, 19 3/4" x 36", $1195.00
266. Very clean oval sash,23 3/4" x 83", $1195.00
247. Oblong diamond sash unit, 17 3/4" x 57 5/16", $695.00
268. Detailed half round window, 21 3/4" x 41 3/4", $495.00
274. Intricate leaded sash/cab. door, 24 1/4" x 49 9/16", $595.00
281. Stained glass window, 26 1/2" x 51 1/2", $695.00
284. Squared circle top 9-lite sash, 29 3/4" x 29 3/4", $495.00
287. Bisected diamond paned sash, 25 3/8" x 33 3/4", $395.00
288. East lake style sash, 23 1/8" x 26 3/8", $165.00
291. Square framed elliptical oval sash; with obscure & stained glass, 23 3/4" x 35 7/8", $1295.00
293. Striking sash; with stained & obscure glass, 23 3/4" x 38", $450.00
295. Arched, stained, & patterned glass sash, 28" x 59 1/2", $795.00
301. Multi-lite oval sash, 31" x 49", $1895.00
304. Ornate Victorian leaded transom sash, 14 1/2" x 51 3/8", $895.00
305. Mahogany elliptical sash, [ no glass ], 18" x 36", $495.00, great wall art.
306. Arched leaded glass windows [ 3 in stk. ], 32 7/8" x 75 5/8", $795.00 ea.
308. Victorian Era Leaded Sash, 22 5/8" x 51 1/2", $695.00
309. English style diamond pane sash, 31 1/8" x 37 7/8", $525.00
312. Shield design stained glass sash, 20 1/2" x 36 1/4", $550.00
313. Striking stained glass window, 38 7/8" x 18 1/2", $550.00
314. Large half round sash, 42 1/2" x 81", $1095.00
315. Rustic circular sash, 24" dia. $695.00
321. Leaded oval glass sash; with ellipses, 27 1/2" x 39 ", $1295.00
322. Arched top stained glass sash, 24 " x 71 1/2 ", $750.00
323. Leaded glass cab. drs., [ 2 sets in stk. ], 48 3/4" x 48 1/4" overall per set, $995.00 per set.
330. 16-lite arched top sash set, 32" x 48 1/2", $695.00 set
331. Half round rectangular sash, 20" x 40", $695.00
334. Rectangular set half round style sash, 17" x 36", $450.00
335. Arched patterned stained glass sash, 35 7/8" x 41 1/2", $695.00.
336. Stained glass diamond patterned transom/sash, 22" x 69 3/4", $795.00
340. Heavy bowed window sash, 17 1/2" x 47 5/8", $395.00
343. Bisecting angles half round sash, 28 1/4" x 57", $695.00
347. Pr. of diamond paned sashes/cabinet doors, 34" x 39 1/2", $495.00
348. Circle Top diamond panned sash,34 1/2" x 32 5/8", $595.00
350. 2 matching sets of diamond grillwork sashes, one 26 1/2" x 41 1/4" ea. and the 2nd 26 1/2" x 42" ea. sash, all $295.00 ea.
351. Stained & pressed glass sash, 31" x 38 1/2", $395.00
352. Diamond paned sash, 28" x 27", $225.oo
353. Leaded glass cabinet doors, 39 1/2" x 42", $895.00
356. Diamond multi-lite window, 25 1/4 "x 47 3/4 ", $395.00
357. Circle within circle, circular sash, 33 1/2 ", $995.00
358. Barn transom, 116 3/4 " x 12 1/2 ", $495.00
361. French door/transom unit [ 2 in stk. ], drs. 48" x 80 1/4", transom sashes 31" x 47", $895.00 per set.
364. Pr. diamond lite sashes, 20" x 55" ea., $250.00 ea.
366. Pr. of stained/pressed glass sidelites/transom sashes, 12" x 53 1/2 " ea., $995.00 pr.
367. Exquisite stained glass sash, 15 7/8" x 39 1/2", $695.00
#368. Star pattern enhanced stained glass window, 24 1/8" x 41 1/4", $495.00
371. Apex design oval sash, 20 3/4" X 32", $995.00
372. Gothic style sash, 34 7/8" x 45", $995.00
373. Gothic style wihdow, 35 3/4 " x 46 1/8 ", $995.00
375. Pressed stained glass window, [1 cracked pane ], 33 3/8" x 32 1/2", $225.00
376. Circle top design in rectangular mounting window, 21 7/8" x 57 5/16", $495.00
377. Set of 3 matching diamond paned sashes, 23 3/4 "x 19 3/4 ", $195.00 ea.
378. Multi-paned circular sash, 31 3/4" x 31 1/4 " , $525.00
379. Apex over multi-pane design sash or door, 26 3/4" x 89 1/2", $795.00
380. 3 matching diamond paned sashes,31 5/8" x 32 5/8", $295.00 ea.
381. Window with stained glass ascent panel,51 1/2" x 60 7/8", $335.00
382. Stained glass sash with diamond center,24" x 27 5/8", $495.00
383. Diamond paned sashes/ sidelites/ or doors,4 in stk., 15 1/8" x 68 3/4", $595.00 per pr.
385. Tinted stained glass sashes,28 1/8" x 33 1/4", $395.00